Financing Assistance

Abonmarche has extensive experience with securing and administering project funding on behalf of our clients. Our staff has long-standing working relationships with agency staff at both federal and state levels. Our knowledge of the priorities of the various funding programs allows our team the ability to align our clients’ projects with the grant or loan program to optimize the chances of funding success. Once project funding is in place, the Abonmarche team has the expertise and experience to assist with ensuring funding requirements are met and that the project remains in compliance – keeping this burden from impacting client staffs.

Beyond our work securing grants and loans for client projects, our firm’s planning and economic development professionals have significant experience working with numerous tax credit and abatement programs. We work with your team to ensure your project is accessing as many financing incentives as possible.

Given the ever-increasing construction costs and interests rates present over the past several years, a project’s approach to financing has become an increasingly important component of the project planning process. Our team has an established track record of helping our clients leverage their dollars through access to myriad programs across a broad landscape of funding opportunities.

Staff Expertise:

+ Grant Writing & Administration Services
+ Assistance with Application Packages for Project Loans for Governmental & Private Sources
+ Certified Grant Administrators
+ Tax Incentive & Abatement Negotiation

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