Project Details
Abonmarche installed porous asphalt parking along Halleck Street. Porous asphalt allowed storm water to percolate through the road surface and into the ground to be filtered naturally before it reaches groundwater or surface water. This solution also saved the Town $10,000 since they did not have to install new storm sewer on this project and saved approximately $50,000 in improvements to the downstream storm sewer system that would have been required if the porous pavement was not used. The scope of the project only includes the parking lanes, but runoff from the travel lanes drains to the sides.
A U.S. Highway, Halleck Street brings 13,000 vehicles per day through this town of 3,800. Abonmarche designed landscape islands on each side of the road, which buffer pedestrians from traffic. The islands also act as traffic calming devices, and eliminate the problem of vehicles using the parking lanes for passing.
The DeMotte Elementary School is located just north of the downtown, and islands were added in front here, as well, for improved safety for children walking.
- Design and Construction Administration
- Grant Procurement
- Downtown Improvement Plan
- New Sidewalks