Project Details
Abonmarche partnered with the town of North Liberty to complete two significant plans through a unified process. The town needed to update both its comprehensive plan and the 5-year parks master plan. Our team developed and completed a planning process which took advantage of the shared data and public engagement requirements of both plans to complete them in a cost effective and timely manner.
The plans were conducted in four phases –
• Discovery: Community Needs Assessment & Analysis
• Visioning: Input Meetings & Vision Setting
• Framework: Plan Elements
• Action: Implementation, Draft, & Final Plan
Data and public engagement input collected during the discovery and visioning phases were utilized to develop the plan elements and recommendations in the framework and action phases.
All plan phases included public engagement in the form of a project website, on-line surveys, steering committee meetings, local stakeholder interviews, two public open houses, and the final plan presentations to both the parks board and the town council.