Chris Cook


Chris has over 30 years of experience in civil engineering, serving as President and CEO of Abonmarche for much of that time. His personal mission is to serve communities, and he is unwavering in his commitment to being responsive to client needs. He is particularly adept at successfully leading transportation, water, and sewer improvement projects. His knowledge and experience with the EGLE SRF processes, along with municipal budgets and finances makes him a valuable resource to communities completing water and sewer projects.

Chris has experience in the funding, study, design, and construction administration of road reconstruction, bridge, streetscape, bikeway, drainage, sanitary sewer, wastewater treatment, water system, marina/waterfront development, subdivision, park/recreational facility, school, hospital, and other economic development projects. With his diverse experience he is able to ensure our products are high quality, economical for the client, maintainable, and appropriate for their locations and surroundings. He also leads our Project Manager mentoring and training and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion programs to instill solid leadership skills for all of our Project Managers.

He believes strongly in giving back to the community and he volunteers his time in numerous ways, including the school board, Cornerstone Alliance, Zoning Board of Appeals, and ACEC (President-Elect) serving as Board Liaison to the Rural Development, EGLE, and MEDC Committee, and MDOT Collaboration Team. He is a past winner of the ACEC National Community Service Award.


In addition to expertise in transportation, infrastructure engineering, and grant management/fundraising, Chris has an exceptional skill-set grounded in client service in the following areas:

Chris approaches each project with a big-picture mindset and a program for success that includes maintaining timely and effective communication with the client, including public input, keeping the project on budget, and keeping the project on schedule. He understands municipal finances, budgets, and budget processes. He is personally familiar with the budgeting processes through his involvement with numerous boards and commissions which gives him important insight into the concerns and requirements of governmental agencies.

As project manager, Chris oversees the completion of Abonmarche’s various studies, including CWSRF/DWSRF Project Plans, which include system modeling, field work, smoke testing, CCTV, analysis of alternatives, cost estimates, environmental studies, public hearings, and close coordination with EGLE.

As a frequent user of bikeways, kayak facilities, and parks, Chris brings passion and knowledge of the needs of the end user to all of our recreational projects. He takes particular pleasure in overcoming obstacles to develop facilities for all users.

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