Spencer Park Revitaliazation – DeMotte, Indiana

DeMotte, IN
Hospitality & Recreation
The Hamstra Group
Project Details

Park revitalized as community gathering place

Abonmarche provided planning and engineering services to the Town of DeMotte to assist in the long term growth and sustainability of the town. These services included evaluations of existing utilities, identification of potential residential, commercial and industrial growth areas, zoning assistance, development of a Downtown Improvement Plan, review and input on the Parks Master Plan, studies of pedestrian connectivity, and funding research and procurement to support the planned improvements. Abonmarche coordinated with the Town and private landowners on a revitalization of Spencer Park, which is adjacent to and intersects a commercial park.

The Park Centre land owner, The Hamstra Group, built the circular road including sewer, water and drainage, and donated the inside of the circle to the Town. The Town built a shallow pool with a fountain, sidewalks, irrigation and landscaping and agreed to maintain it. Hamstra also built one 60 space parking lot on the north end of the site and dedicated it to the Town while the Town built one on the south end. The parking lots have multiple uses including business parking during the day and recreational, concert and festival parking in the evenings and on weekends. The Town invested approximately $250,000 in the fountain, landscaping and parking lot. The Hamstra Group invested approximately $500,000 and dedicated about 1.5 acres to the Town.


  • Costs split between DeMotte, IN and The Hamstra Group

More Information About Spencer Park Renovation:

  • https://www.patronicity.com/project/demotte_in_parks_department#!/ – Patronicity – n.d
  • https://hamstragroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Hamstra-Group-Newsletter-Fall-2009.pdf – Hamstra Group – 2009
  • https://www.lakeshorepublicmedia.org/local-news/2017-06-22/demotte-residents-raise-money-to-update-beloved-park – Lakeshore Public Media – June 22, 2017

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